The Citizen Review Panels are an important milestone in RRI-Leaders project on regard Development of RRI-AIRR Transformative Outlooks in the participating territories (Regional Association of Local Government of Western Macedonia (Greece), Sofia Development Agency (Bulgaria), the town of Thalwil (Switzerland), and for Promoció Econòmica de Sabadell (Catalonia, Spain) ).
After the exploration of future orientations for RRI in the involved territories, and the preliminary development of those so called “Transformative Outlooks” (future-oriented action plan focusing on policy development and integration of the RRI-AIRR framework into territorial policymaking), it is time to expand the scope of territorial actors’ inclusion in the development process of strategic plans to ensure the involvement of citizens and community groups without an institutionalized representation (youth, elderly, consumers, interest groups, and others): it is time to finalize the strategic plans through co-creation.
This co-creation process will be carried out by means of Citizen Review Panels in each territory, intended as a way to engage citizens, where local plans will be reviewed and validated by suggesting improvements to the objectives and actions herein.
Why we as citizens should be interested in this particular project milestone? Moreover, beyond the project, why should such a co-creation process be of interest to us? Because the input of all of us, as a citizens, is valuable. As members of local communites, we have unique insights and perspectives that can contribute to the development of strategic plans that are more reflective of the community’s needs and desires. By participating in a co-creation process, we can ensure that our voice is heard and that our ideas are taken into account.
Read more here.